So busy!!!!! :) How was everyone's weekend? Mine was a little crazy. I think the highlight was the Sex and the City party I went to last night. Some gals and I got together to screen the movie again before the sequel comes out next month. I had so much fun getting dressed up and sipping cosmos and having girl time.
The downside: well not really, because I really like the girls I went with, but the Vintage Expo in Santa Monica was such a disappointment! Not a great selection and almost everything was overpriced. I heard Rachel Zoe was there today also-hopefully she had better luck than I!
I could go on with the negatives, but as you know I like to keep things positive. That being said, I did meet a very talented husband-and-wife team who custom make the most beautiful shoes. There was a gorgeous pair of flapper shoes that would tempt even Scrooge himself to take out a second mortgage to buy! I wish I had a picture... If you're interested in checking out some of their other shoes, you can here.
The Perfect Paver: Backyard Reveal
2 months ago