Photo credits- Maria Bag: RebeccaMinkoff.com, Kindle Sleeve: SaksFifthAvenue.com
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Add mild detergent to a basin or tub and fill with cold water (or whatever temperature the garment calls for). I use my tub. Do not fill the tub...only put enough water in the mix the detergent and soak the garment.
Swirl the garment around in the water until completely wet. Swirl in one direction for 1.5 minutes. Stop and swirl in the opposite direction for 1.5 minutes.
Remove garment from tub. Empty tub. Rinse garment with cold water. Add cold water to tub and dip garment in the water to ensure all detergent is removed.
Pick up garment from the shoulders and let water drain into the tub. Do not twist or wring.
For items to lay flat to dry: arrange garment in its normal shape on a dry towel.