Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Contest Fit for a Fashionista!

I was lucky to attend a fantastic event last night hosted by Shop It To Me and American Express with Whitney Port at the Sunset Tower Hotel in Los Angeles. I’m excited to post more about that later, but I couldn’t wait to share with you the contest they announced last night!

Here are the details from Shop It To Me:

Shop It To Me has teamed with American Express Premium Return Protection to offer one lucky fashion-lover a $3000 shopping spree with Whitney Port! That's not all -- each day through April 2, we'll be giving away a PRP subscription and $100 to shop Whitney's No Regrets Spring Picks.

Enter to win by completing the following steps:

  1. Follow @ShopItToMe and @AmericanExpress on twitter
  2. Tweet the following phrase:

Want to win a $3000 shopping spree w/ @whitneyeveport? Follow @shopittome @americanexpress & RT to win: #NoRegrets

Good luck! XOXO

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