I have been nominated by Brianne of
Briannelee for this fabulous blog award!!! Brianne is a Boston-based jewelry designer and a gifted vintage treasure-finder. She is also my BFF IRL.
Ok, here is the drill:
1. Remember to thank the person who nominated you! (and link to them from your blog)
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. State seven things about yourself that most people don't know.
4. Nominate 7 other Kreativ Bloggers. (and link to them too!)
5. Leave a comment on each of the lucky duckies' blogs letting them know.
7 things about me:1. I have lived in Boston, London, and Los Angeles.
2. I have been learning to speak Italian for years and am still not even close to being fluent. Ciao Bella!
3. I secretly want to be a milliner (guess it's not so secret now!).
4. I haven't had ice cream in 20 yrs-but I eat frozen yogurt all the time...
5. I majored in Film and Television and I think that
Sex and the City: The Movie is the best movie of all time. Seriously, it has everything!
6. I love argyle socks.
7. I am obsessed with lists and post-its.
Ok, now your turn. I tag:
Le QuaintrelleChanel FashionistaJeune Marie30 and Counting...la vie jaimeStyle from ScratchNot Your Average Ordinary