Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Today I am grateful for:

1) Wonderful boyfriend with whom to share adventures.

2) Fabulous friends (including blogger friends ;) ).

3) A supportive yet dramatic family that always keeps me on my toes, but whom I love more than anything!

4) A paycheck.

5) I get to go home for Christmas.

6) I am blessed...I see many people waaay worse off on a daily basis at work.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday...I'm still hiccuping :(

I get the hiccups when I laugh too much.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!


Sunday, November 22, 2009

It's Almost Thanksgiving!

I'm sure many of you are getting ready for Thanksgiving. I LOVE this time of year-although I admit I enjoyed it more on the East Coast (it is more festive and my family is there). Anyways I wanted to share some of my favorite things about Thanksgiving with you:

I always loved making holiday crafts as a kid at Brownies or at school.
And who doesn't love A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving?!And even though it can get a little boring, it's not Thanksgiving morning without the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!

Photo Credits:
(Top to bottom)

Friday, November 20, 2009

I want this....

Uh oh! I knew I shouldn't have opened my "salemail" from Shop It To Me. Now I know about this DVF dress on sale and in my size at Saks. It's the holidays and I am only supposed to buy for others, but........... :)

Photo Credit:

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Sexiest Man Alive

So People came out with their "Sexiest Man Alive 2009" issue and guess who received top honors:

Johnny Depp.

Love Johnny, but he has already graced this cover.

My pick is...drum roll please....

Ryan Reynolds!

He's funny, sexy, cool, and those abs!!!

On whom would you bestow this title?

Photo Credit:

Monday, November 16, 2009

For Twilight Fans Only :)

New Moon opens this Friday and I already have my tickets for Thursday night's midnight show!I was in Westwood Village this evening for work which is where the premiere was. I so wish I had had my camera! It was seriously insane. The level of excitement-electric. People had been camping there overnight just to have a good spot on the red carpet. Tents were set up as far as a quarter mile from the theater. Craziness.

Now if you've never read the series and think all this is lame, I have only one thing to say: don't knock it 'til you've tried it!

Fellow fans: are you Team Edward or Team Jacob? :)

(If you're wondering which "team" I'm on, here's a hint: I like things that sparkle!).

Picture credit:

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Plaid Fad

If anyone is in the market for one, American Eagle is having a sale on flannel shirts and there are many to choose from! I picked this up yesterday...
I was a very naughty shopper and also bought some tights and a new skirt for work. ;)

AE Western Double Weave Shirt, $24.95


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rose Bowl

Last Saturday I made my first trip to the Rose Bowl in Pasadena for the UCLA football game. It wasn't as big as I had expected (my first college football game was at Penn State so everything looks small after that!).

I don't know if I'll go again as I prefer baseball and hockey games, but it was a nice way to spend a Saturday. We're lucky that we can go to these and wear tank tops instead of bundling up!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Needing a Little of This in My Life

I looooooove dogs, but with my hectic schedule it's not a good idea to get one right now. If I could get a puppy today, I'd get a Labradoodle!I saw the most adorable Labradoodle ever while having lunch in Westwood Village one day a few months ago. I have seriously been stalking this dog ever since. She is so sweet!

I think Cristin who writes Eat Like Me has a Labradoodle also. Her dog cracks me up!


Photo Credit:

Sunday, November 8, 2009



Brianne got engaged this weekend...

as did one of my favorite bloggers, Jessica from What I Wore.

Love is in the air......Hurray!!!!!


Monday, November 2, 2009

Champagne and Chanel

Today I finally saw Coco before Chanel (a must-see for Chanel fans). As a result I couldn't resist adding my pearls to my t-shirt and sweats ensemble and settling down for the CW lineup with some champagne and chocolate. You can imagine how elegant I was when I laughed and bubbly came out my nose! Besides the olfactory tingling, it was a sweet way to spend Monday night!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Blog Award!

I have been nominated by Brianne of Briannelee for this fabulous blog award!!! Brianne is a Boston-based jewelry designer and a gifted vintage treasure-finder. She is also my BFF IRL.

Ok, here is the drill:

1. Remember to thank the person who nominated you! (and link to them from your blog)

2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.

3. State seven things about yourself that most people don't know.

4. Nominate 7 other Kreativ Bloggers. (and link to them too!)

5. Leave a comment on each of the lucky duckies' blogs letting them know.

7 things about me:

1. I have lived in Boston, London, and Los Angeles.

2. I have been learning to speak Italian for years and am still not even close to being fluent. Ciao Bella!

3. I secretly want to be a milliner (guess it's not so secret now!).

4. I haven't had ice cream in 20 yrs-but I eat frozen yogurt all the time...

5. I majored in Film and Television and I think that Sex and the City: The Movie is the best movie of all time. Seriously, it has everything!

6. I love argyle socks.

7. I am obsessed with lists and post-its.

Ok, now your turn. I tag:

Le Quaintrelle
Chanel Fashionista
Jeune Marie
30 and Counting...
la vie jaime
Style from Scratch
Not Your Average Ordinary