Today I finally saw Coco before Chanel (a must-see for Chanel fans). As a result I couldn't resist adding my pearls to my t-shirt and sweats ensemble and settling down for the CW lineup with some champagne and chocolate. You can imagine how elegant I was when I laughed and bubbly came out my nose! Besides the olfactory tingling, it was a sweet way to spend Monday night!
There are so many movies I need to see....
I also need to watch GG tonight...
I've seen one or two previews for this movie, but completely forgot about it. I'm so glad you mentioned it. Must see.
elegant isn't the word that comes to mind when champagne is bursting out of one's nostrils. ;)
Champagne + Chocolate = Fantastic
I cannot wait to see this - it is a must see for sure!
Now, that sounds like the perfect way to enjoy that flick!
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