Friday, November 20, 2009

I want this....

Uh oh! I knew I shouldn't have opened my "salemail" from Shop It To Me. Now I know about this DVF dress on sale and in my size at Saks. It's the holidays and I am only supposed to buy for others, but........... :)

Photo Credit:


Brandi said...

Gorgeous. You have excellent taste. Call me crazy, but I don't think $345 down to $200-ish is really THAT huge of a deal. I mean, technically it's almost 50% but I'd keep hoping the price would drop more.

L. said...

I'm with you...I decided not to get it. If the price drops more-great! If not, there are better deals to be found!

Secondhand Stella said...

You could buy it as a Christmas present to yourself...