Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Groundhog Day!

Awww...the groundhog saw his shadow today so it's another six weeks of winter! On a positive note, it's another six weeks to wear cozy sweaters and cuddle by the fireplace. :)

Photo credit: thisoldhouse.com


Secondhand Stella said...

You have no say in this... you live in sunny California ;)

L. said...

50 degrees is cold! :)

Brandi said...

I agree with you, my dear. 50 degrees is cold. But we can't complain TOO much, it's true. My boyfriend reminds me all the time of how it's 10 degrees out in NJ.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Since I'm heading to NYC next week, I'm kinda wishing there wasn't going to be another 6 weeks. Mama wants to wear cute dresses. Ah ha ha